Borderline Regression Analysis in Assessment

Borderline Regression Analysis in Assessment

What is Borderline Regression Analysis? Borderline regression analysis (BRA) is an absolute, examinee-centered standard setting method widely used to standard set OSCE exams, Yousuf, Violato, and Zuberi (2015). Candidates are awarded a “global score” for a station in...

Multiple Mini Interviews

Multiple Mini Interviews

What are MMIs? The Multiple Mini Interview (MMI) is a proven valid and reliable interview format used as part of the admissions or selection process. Rather than holding one interview with multiple panellists, MMIS have multiple stations, with one or two panellists....

What is an OSCE exam?

What is an OSCE exam?

An OSCE exam is a typical type of examination (first described in 1975) that is often used in health sciences (e.g. medicine, physical therapy, nursing, pharmacy, dentistry) to test clinical skill(s).