Multiple Mini Interviews

Multiple Mini Interviews

What are MMIs? The Multiple Mini Interview (MMI) is a proven valid and reliable interview format used as part of the admissions or selection process. Rather than holding one interview with multiple panellists, MMIS have multiple stations, with one or two panellists....

CPD provider 50195, our journey to Qpercom University

Since December 2008, Qpercom shares their expertise in advanced assessment solutions with their academic partners. Since June 2020 Qpercom is accredited as CPD provider. Due to its longest history with automated observational assessments at Qpercom’s home base, the...

Learning Tools Interoperability (LTI) for Qpercom Platform

By Enda Griffin Learning Management Systems (LMS) such as Canvas, Blackboard and Moodle are common platforms used around the world within third level institutions to enhance learning for students. LMS provide a lot of very useful tools to institutions in delivering...

Remote MMI at NUIG June 2020 Summary

By Enda Griffin The School of Medicine at NUI Galway successfully ran a remote MMI in June 2020. Two cycles of 7 candidates were put through a 7 station circuit and candidates connected to the MMI event remotely from their homes. Interviewers attended the MMI event at...

What is a 21st Century Doctor?

What is a 21st Century Doctor?

Reflection is a learning experience in itself. It allows us to critically assess the ways in which we can improve. This is extremely valuable in the context of medical education where we need to draw learnings from both academic training and medical practice....