What Is A Nursing OSCE?

What Is A Nursing OSCE?

Welcome to your in-depth guide on virtual assessment centres, a modern approach to exams, talent assessment and recruitment interviews. As businesses worldwide adapt to digital solutions, understanding the intricacies of virtual assessment centres is essential. This guide will explore their components, benefits, challenges, and best practices, offering valuable insights for organisations and participants alike.

Your Comprehensive Guide To Virtual Assessment Centres

Your Comprehensive Guide To Virtual Assessment Centres

Welcome to your in-depth guide on virtual assessment centres, a modern approach to exams, talent assessment and recruitment interviews. As businesses worldwide adapt to digital solutions, understanding the intricacies of virtual assessment centres is essential. This guide will explore their components, benefits, challenges, and best practices, offering valuable insights for organisations and participants alike.

10 Ways That Receiving Feedback Can Help Learning

10 Ways That Receiving Feedback Can Help Learning

Education goes beyond textbooks and lectures; it thrives on feedback. Feedback is defined as “specific information about the comparison between a learner’s observed performance and standard, which is given with the intention to improve the learner’s...

What is a Long Case in clinical exams?

What is a Long Case in clinical exams?

A Long Case is a form of clinical examination where an undergraduate student, trainee or junior professional discusses a specific case with a senior professional. Following on from the name, Long Cases typically last for at least 20 minutes per scenario and can last...

Seven Reasons to Store EPAs Digitally

Seven Reasons to Store EPAs Digitally

Competency-Based Medical Education (CBME) is changing the delivery and assessment of medical education in healthcare institutions around the world. CBME is outcome-based education, focusing on what is attained in terms of knowledge, skill, behaviour and attitude. This...

Qpercom in Ronald Harden’s ‘Definitive Guide to the OSCE’

Qpercom in Ronald Harden’s ‘Definitive Guide to the OSCE’

Dissemination of research findings often takes a long time. However, we are very pleased our research was noticed and published in Ronald Harden's 'Definitive Guide to the OSCE', an important book for those working in the field of medical education (page 147...

Observe Enhancements: Multiple Examiners, Multiple Scenarios

Observe Enhancements: Multiple Examiners, Multiple Scenarios

Multiple Examiners Unique to Qpercom Observe, the OSCE management information system, are the new Multiple Examiners/Multiple Scenario enhancements. We have frequently read about research empowering the Standardized Patient (SP) to play an important role in examining...