For some, it does not roll off the tongue upon first hearing it. We have received many a phone call in the office for ‘Qwerpercom’. To set the record straight, here’s how it goes:
The letter ‘q’, ‘per’ and ‘com’. Click below for an audio version.
And the reason for this name?

Consistent, accurate and timely are words used to describe our core product, Qpercom Observe, a software and assessment solution used by universities all over the world. To meet the needs of modern educators, Qpercom goes beyond basic testing to deliver quality-assured assessments. In the high-stake domains of medicine and health sciences, quality is absolutely essential.
Action takes centre stage in Qpercom. On a daily basis, our clients are teaching, performing and analysing critical clinical skills. Qpercom records these actions and provides instant access to data for analysis. As a result, together we are steering the performance of the future of these occupations within universities and institutions.
Competency represents a combination of knowledge, skills and attitude. Assessing non-cognitive skills in a clinical setting is essential to identify and provide feedback to students on psychomotor skills. Qpercom’s speciality is the critical task of measuring competency objectively and accurately.
It’s not quite Qi or Qriocity, however, in the context of quality, performance and competency; Qpercom makes perfect sense.