What is the Standard Error of Measurement (SEM)? The Standard Error of Measurement (SEM) indicates the amount of error around the observed score. The observed score, the score we retrieve, store and analyse from an OSCE, is in fact the result of the true score and...
How is Data Analysis used in Educational Decision Making?
“Current data-based methods of analysis and predictive models are insufficient – big data is able to remedy this. ” – Dr. Alexander Lenk Pass/fail decisions by faculty are mostly based on the ability of students to pass or fail prior to (Angoff) or post standard setting (Borderline Regression Analysis) criteria developed by faculty. Standard setting […]
Controversies Standard Error of Measurement and Borderline Regression Method in an OSCE Management System
The Standard Error of Measurement (SEM) indicates the amount of error around the observed score. The observed score, the score we retrieve, store and analyse from an OSCE, is in fact the result of the true score and error around this true score. If we want a reliable decision around passing or failing a station […]
Assessment of ‘borderline’ clinical competence using generalisability and decision studies in dental skills training
A few words about this paper… A historically significant paper I have to say, and although not yet cited it formed the basis of what I eventually pursued for the last 10 years in the spin-off company, Qpercom. According to the Irish Times, we are “dragging exam assessment out of the dark ages“ (Oct. 2016). This […]