Both long and short cases are used in the assessment of clinical competence to determine if students are safe to progress as medical practitioners.
Borderline Regression Analysis in Assessment
What is Borderline Regression Analysis? Borderline regression analysis (BRA) is an absolute, examinee-centered standard setting method widely used to standard set OSCE exams, Yousuf, Violato, and Zuberi (2015). Candidates are awarded a “global score” for a station in...
How we facilitated remote clinical skills assessment for University College Dublin (UCD) during the COVID-19 pandemic
Clinical skills examinations planned by University College Dublin (UCD) in 2020 were disrupted by the arrival of the COVID-19 pandemic which first hit Ireland in March. Around 200 students in the university’s Department of Psychiatry would not be able to graduate as...
No more Zoom: how we built a bespoke software platform for virtual OSCEs
In 2020 as the COVID-19 pandemic forced colleges and universities across the world to shut, Qpercom found a new way for stage high-stakes clinical exams and admissions interviews to be conducted online.
How is Data Analysis used in Educational Decision Making?
“Current data-based methods of analysis and predictive models are insufficient – big data is able to remedy this. ” – Dr. Alexander Lenk Pass/fail decisions by faculty are mostly based on the ability of students to pass or fail prior to (Angoff) or post standard setting (Borderline Regression Analysis) criteria developed by faculty. Standard setting […]