The General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) coming into force in Europe on 25th May this year is a great opportunity to open new conversations on data security.
To illustrate our approach to data security, we put together the infographic below to outline:
what we do with data, what we do with our client’s permission, and what we never do with data.

Cyber security affects every member of an organisation. It also applies to every type of organisation, whether their time spent on digital tasks is 1% or 99%. The essence of GDPR is that data privacy is a fundamental right. We are all accountable, and there is no room for negligence. As we enter a post-digital age, where data is prioritised over technology, and people will be born truly digitally native, good data governance must be a way of life.
“When it comes to data security and privacy at Qpercom, we take a proactive approach to minimise the risk of data breaches and to combat a growing diversity of threats. As a mededu/medtech software company in the high-risk category, we take security very seriously, from software development level right up to deployment and hosting our advanced assessment solutions (complete software process). We work in a data security conscious work environment. We continuously improve our security policies and conduct frequent security audits and assessments. In light of the growing number of global cyber attacks and the advent of GDPR in May, we’re ready and on the right track” .
David Cunningham, Chief Operations Officer, Qpercom
For more specific information or questions you may have, don’t hesitate to contact us at