Industry recognition is always appreciated, particularly in the fast moving arena of technology, and the critical sector of healthcare. We are thrilled to receive two more award nominations in 2019, from the Irish Healthcare Awards. The nominations are for Best Use of...
TDD: Factory generator with factory.ts and faker.js to ease your testing in TypeScript applications
When writing unit testing it is always good practice to mock the database with test data to achieve the F.I.R.S.T principles of unit testing. With only a few models in an application it is not too difficult to mock the necessary test data, but when your...
Seven Reasons to Store EPAs Digitally
Competency-Based Medical Education (CBME) is changing the delivery and assessment of medical education in healthcare institutions around the world. CBME is outcome-based education, focusing on what is attained in terms of knowledge, skill, behaviour and attitude. This...
Memory Allocation in JavaScript — Eager vs Lazy Allocation Approach
Memory allocation is the process of reserving complete or partial space (physically or virtual) on the computer to execute an application. The management of memory on a program if not handled in the right way can make the application slow or even stop working, and one...