Online Exam Security: What Makes A Remote Exam Secure?

Online Exam Security: What Makes A Remote Exam Secure?

In an online exam, students join the examination from their own homes via an external platform like Qpercom and are assessed by examiners who are also logging on from a remote location. Without being able to verify a student’s environment and their actions off-camera, can a secure exam, free from malpractice, be guaranteed?

What is a Long Case in clinical exams?

What is a Long Case in clinical exams?

A Long Case is a form of clinical examination where an undergraduate student, trainee or junior professional discusses a specific case with a senior professional. Following on from the name, Long Cases typically last for at least 20 minutes per scenario and can last...

Global Rating Scores & Retrospective Standard Setting

Global Rating Scores & Retrospective Standard Setting

What are Global Rating Scores?  In clinical skills or observational assessment, apart from item score sheets, Global Rating Scores (GRS) are used. A GRS reflects the professional opinion of the examiner once they have completed the item score list. This list...

How is Data Analysis used in Educational Decision Making?

How is Data Analysis used in Educational Decision Making?

“Current data-based methods of analysis and predictive models are insufficient – big data is able to remedy this. ” – Dr. Alexander Lenk Pass/fail decisions by faculty are mostly based on the ability of students to pass or fail prior to (Angoff) or post standard...